20150820::Our website has been updated.
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It is been almost 2 months from the last update. Due to those times, many things are improved. Here are the stuffs we were working on. Please enjoy yourself~

1. We are now running our facebook, instagram and twitter
* You can find those icons from the top of Look and Walk website.
2. Thumbnail pictures of Korean foods being displayed on the main page are now looking better with highlights.
3. Now supporting Internet Explorer on the Metro tile UI
4. Added Camp Compas's tag data to the whole service
5. Rule updated for the suggested article on Community and Camp Compas
6. Rule updated for exposing contents on the main page
7. Improved design on the "Manage Blog Theme" page
8. Fixed bug about attaching image by dragging on the image upload box
9. Improved check box control on the messages list
10. Now it is possible to use longer tags

And there are some BIG changes. I will introduce them with some screenshots.

I. Embedded search engine

As you can see on this screenshot, embedded search engine makes easier to access our contents. And the updated design makes it even easier. For now, this is only for web but this will be available on our mobile app soon as we finish testing it.

II. Sign up for corporate membership and guide membership is now available

Only corporate and guide members can have their own blogs on our service. Finally we have finished trimming it and open to public. Thank you for asking about these feature. We are working hard on it to give you better service.

III. Subway map style template analysis

This will show you the where you are reading from the voyage with a subway map style graph. It will be displayed like this.

Writers can make that graph like this.

Isn't it a bit more intuitive? Please read "How to make subway style graph?" from our FAQ for more information about this.

IV. Introducing our mobile app when a user is accessing our website by a mobile web browser

We are running Look and Walk for 21 months already. And just now we are introducing our mobile App. Still it is not complete but keeps on getting better and better. This mobile app introducing page is being exposed only once in 24 hours.

Many things are improved but the embedded search engine and the mobile app are the most important.

We will keep focus on giving you better service. Thank you!

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